Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tech Tip of the Month: Expanding the virtual office with PageBreak

Report real-time ACD performance indicators on your cell phones and in email

As a contact center manager, your job requires you to identify and analyze staffing problems that affect your achieving customer service goals.
The primary cause of service level objectives not being met comes from insufficient staff, NOT insufficient staffing. The bodies are present but not adhering to their schedules.

Our Tech Tip this month looks at a real life staffing problem encountered by a 24-hour contact center manager and how PageBreak was used to address it.
Required Materials:
• AgentView Enterprise
• A cell phone or other like device capable of receiving email.
• A valid email account to be used for transmitting PageBreak messages.

Our customer runs a 24 x 7 contact center. On the late night shift, the small staff likes to take breaks and lunches together, which leaves the ACD queue unstaffed for a portion of the interval. The staff returns in time to answer the calls prior to them being abandoned, but causing the service level performance to be horrendously low. Because staff activity reports don't provide login/logout times, it's impossible to determine how long the queue goes unstaffed and who might be the cause. And scheduling another team lead to supervise this group is NOT an option.

AgentView Enterprise will monitor the queue Staffing levels (specifically the number of agents signed into the phone) and PageBreak will alert the manager through his cell phone when everybody is signed out. The manager can then jump on it (from off-site) immediately when the problem starts.

THIS SCENARIO was a real-life situation where PageBreak was configured to monitor Primary Agents Signed In. Then when there were 0 agents signed into the queue for 5 consecutive minutes (a very generous latitude) PageBreak would page several managers simultaneously reporting the issue.

THIS CHRONIC STAFF BEHAVIOR PROBLEM was solved within two instances of it occurring.
Problem identified, solution (PageBreak) chosen, problem solved.

For assistance in strategizing, planning, configuring and utilizing PageBreak, please contact your Centergistic Solutions account manager at 800-387-0264.

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