Monday, May 24, 2010

Tech Tip of the Month: Optimizing Dashboard Settings

PowerUsers: Does Your Dashboard Show the Whole Performance Picture?

If you currently are using PowerUser, then you've undoubtedly gone through and set up various "views" to enable you to start off from a high level and drill down to greater detail. How frequently are you re-evaluating the performance metrics that comprise those views?

It's a good idea to regularly review the value of each of your performance metrics. Are you using them regularly? Do they need threshold adjustments? Is there another metric that might be more on target to the goals you are trying to reach.
How about your data sources? Do you need to add a feed from your quality monitoring system, or workforce management or perhaps a trouble ticket system? These are the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself and your team regularly. The dashboard is a powerful tool, but it will only be as pertinent as the data contained within it.

Obviously, the metrics you drop into these categories will differ, depending on the function of your center and what industry you serve. Make it a point to go through your screens and make adjustments. If there is a metric, or layout that is just not being used, scrap it!

Your dashboard should always contain only the most important performance information. It should also be quickly interpreted and actionable. Give us a call if you need help setting up a dashboard layout that works for you!

If you have questions about this month's tip, email us at

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